Sunday, December 30, 2012


I used to keep a log of all the movies I had watched.  I figured, if I spent 2 hours of my life watching a movie, I should at least take 5 minutes to jot down the name of the movie and maybe even some thoughts about it.  Also I figured it would help me recall the names of movies, years later ... because otherwise I might just remember scenes from the movie and have no way of recalling the name and therefore no way of seeing it again or recommending it to someone else.

Here's my old movie journal!

It is now December 2012, and I haven't entered anything in the journal since April 2008! My goodness, how time has flown.  As you can see, there was a sharp drop-off in my movie journal-ing, beginning in October 2006.  As it just so happens, this corresponds to the time when my life went into some dating craziness, which happily resulted in my starting a relationship with my sweetheart Jeff !

I'm not sure how to even access my old web page, so I think I will just start writing down the movies I have seen recently here.  Maybe I can add them to the movies page later.

December 2012

Star Trek, the Voyage Home ... watched it for the 3rd time with Dan, Chris and Tomas.  Before that I had only seen it around 7th grade in the theater, and then one time, maybe earlier this year, all by myself, while cleaning the vacation rental apartment.  I had the most fun watching it the second time; somehow the movie had seemed so charming and endearing and delightfully 80's rated "G."  You don't see movies like that anymore! :)

High Fidelity .... finally got to see it, with Jeff, here at home.  Lovely movie for record collectors and music buffs.  I liked the open-ended feel of the ending, although I thought the singing of "Let's Get it On" as the final number was way too choosing.  Couldn't that have picked some other more obscure but equally moving love song?   Jeff said the movie made him feel depressed, like how men are dogs, etc!  I didn't really see it that way. I thought it was more about how even a guy like John Cusack's character can get things together ... I liked that at the end he seemed to figure things out better, in terms of what he wants in life.

The Science of Sleep ... I am trying to watch this on December 30, while doing my bills.  I didn't realize that so much of it would be in French with subtitles, so it makes it hard to follow!  Perhaps I will try again another time when I can focus on it more.  :)

Earlier Movies

Sex and the City, the movie


Slum Dog Millionaire